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Recognizing Indigenous History Month

During IHM, we commit to reflecting on and amplifying the unique cultures, traditions, and experiences of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples across Canada

Jun 7 2024 | Connective

As a service provider who works closely with Indigenous Peoples across several ancestral, traditional, and unceded Indigenous territories, Connective has a responsibility to take meaningful action toward reconciliation.


During Indigenous History Month, we commit to reflecting on and amplifying the unique cultures, traditions, and experiences of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people across Canada.

What is Indigenous History Month?

June was chosen as Indigenous History Month (IHM) for its significance for those living on Turtle Island (colonially known as Canada). It marks the arrival of warm weather after a long winter, symbolizing a new season and a chance to start anew. 


Indigenous History Month is a time to connect with Indigenous communities through art, music, food, ceremonies, and celebrations. It is also a time to reflect on the atrocities of colonialism, deepen our understanding of Indigenous cultures, and reaffirm our commitment to reconciliation and decolonization.

How Connective Recognizes Indigenous History Month

Connective is committed to listening, learning, and making ongoing efforts toward reconciliation. During Indigenous History Month, we work to share stories, resources, and encourage learning among our non-Indigenous team members. Our goal in doing so is to enhance understanding and empathy, while encouraging ongoing dialogue.


Throughout June, our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team will share weekly Indigenous-related educational posts on our internal staff platform, alongside stories and perspectives from our Indigenous Liaisons. We also look forward to hosting events for service users and staff around Indigenous Peoples Day.

How to Get Involved

Educate Yourself!

Social Media Creators – There are many Indigenous voices on social media that work to showcase the beauty of Indigenous culture and bring awareness to important topics in their respective communities. Here are a few Indigenous creators to follow:

  • James Jones @notoriouscree: known for cultural hoop dancing and Indigenous education
  • Shina Nova @shinanova: A throat singer who brings awareness to food insecurity among Indigenous communities
  • Marika Sila @marikasila: An actress/model/stunt performer who raises awareness on cultural issues and the power of sobriety 


Film – If you’re interested in film, the National Film Board has a selection of Indigenous shorts, documentaries, and other films from as far back as 1968!


Language – Other ways to show allyship include learning words or phrases from local First Nations. For example, Éy swáyel is a greeting in the unceded shared territories of the Stó:lō people, Sema:th, and Matheqwí First Nations of British Columbia. A greeting used among parts of the Yukon is Wáa sá iyatee in the Tlingit language. Check out to learn about the land you are on, and use the following videos to learn some phrases from various Indigenous languages across Canada:



Many Indigenous-led organizations are non-profits, which require funding and donations to support people. Here are some organizations to donate to and support:


We know this time of year is difficult and recognize these topics can also bring up a lot of trauma. If you or someone you know is struggling and needs support please contact:


  •   Native Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-877-209-1266
  •   National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419
  •   KU-UUS Crisis Line Society (24 hour crisis programs in BC)
    • Toll-Free in BC 1-800-588-8717 
    • Adult/Elder 250-723-4050
    • Child/Youth 250-723-2040
  • Hope for Wellness: 1-855-242-3310 or the online chat at Toll-free and open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Crisis Line: Crisis support for individuals impacted by the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people at 1-844-413-6649. Toll-free and open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week