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Homelessness Prevention Program

Connecting people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness with safe, affordable housing

Man unpacking suitcase

Contact HPP


About the Homelessness Prevention Program

The Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) connects individuals who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness with safe, affordable housing and wraparound supports.


HPP assists service users to achieve their self-identified needs and goals by finding them long-term housing, and providing connections to community resources.


Service users may get assistance with:

  • Obtaining short-term financial subsidies
  • Completing housing applications
  • Connecting with housing resources
  • Obtaining a damage deposit
  • Storing personal belongings during moving
  • Acquiring essential housing items


Fraser Valley Lower Mainland
If you are looking for this service in another location in BC or the Yukon, please contact us to connect with a Connective partner in your community.

Admission Criteria

  • Have a history of homelessness, or poverty affecting the ability to find and secure housing
  • Experience complex barriers to housing, such as mental health challenges, problematic substance use, or a history of criminal justice involvement
  • Other admission criteria specific to the program funding


Housing is very expensive, and I need my rent subsidized. Can you help me?

Yes. However, because our rent subsidies are provided short term, we stay away from subsidizing someone’s housing that will be unaffordable to them once the subsidy ends.


Sometimes people need a subsidy for the first few months of moving into a new place, which can help them get settled in before they are ready to pay their full rent by themselves.


Often while we are providing someone a rental subsidy, we can also work with them to apply for disability assistance if they qualify, find full-time or part-time employment to increase their income, or support with budgeting and strategies to reduce costs in other areas of their lives, like accessing the food bank more often.  

I am currently homeless and need housing immediately. What can you do for me?

We are able to provide immediate, short-term, and long-term options for someone who is currently experiencing homelessness. In the immediate term, this can include finding shelter beds, or safety planning if someone is living outside. Short-term, we can support someone to access temporary housing, like a recovery or transition house, or even housing that isn’t ideal but can be used as a steppingstone towards more stable housing down the road.

Longer term, we can support individuals to reach their housing goals, which might include getting into subsidized housing or living without roommates. In practice, this might look like securing a shelter bed for that evening, then finding a room at a single room occupancy building until we can find a basement suite within someone’s price range that includes their own bathroom. 

What are the goals of the Homelessness Prevention Program?

The goals of our Community Housing Programs are to:
  • Reduce homelessness by addressing the barriers that people encounter to help enhance their overall independence and quality of life
  • To increase knowledge of, and access to, housing, resources, and appropriate wraparound supports that will assist in providing stability in people’s lives
  • Continue to identify more affordable housing placements for people facing barriers to housing in our communities
Contact the Homelessness Prevention Program

Everyone deserves to feel safe and included in their chosen community, and so we are here for everyone – at every stage, in any circumstance.


Whether you’re looking for services or looking for information, we invite you to explore our website or contact our staff anytime using this form.

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