Working Across Sectors to Focus on the Person: North American Examples
Bridging differing mandates and structures to bring the person’s holistic needs and outcomes into focus
Our November session continues to focus on the question of bridging differing mandates and structures within the health, justice, and social sectors to bring the person’s holistic needs and outcomes into focus.
In June, we looked at two international examples of complex service delivery: The Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat in the United Kingdom, and The Multiple and Complex Needs Initiative (MaCNI) in Victoria, Australia.
On November 4th, our webinar furthered this discussion by exploring two North American examples of how we can work across sectors to focus on the person. This includes the Peer Assisted Crisis Team (PACT) program developed by the Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division, developed as an auxiliary or alternative to police response to people in mental health crisis in the community; and the Massachusetts Community Justice Project (MCJP) led by the Executive Office of the Trial Court of Massachusetts. MCJP brings together local criminal justice, treatment, recovery, crisis, healthcare, and social service partners to identify local resources and gaps in services and create an action plan to enhance collaboration and reduce the risk of justice-involvement and recidivism for people with addiction and/or mental illness.
This session was facilitated by Dr. Allan Castle and features an expert panel that discusses coordinating complex service delivery.
Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division
Director of Policy, Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division
MPH, Manager, Massachusetts Community Justice Project
Deputy Director, Office of Research and Development, Boston Police Department
Our Leadership Gathering brings together invited representatives of non-profit service agencies, social sector Ministries, health authorities, Indigenous and other community organizations and voices of lived experience to engage in critical discussions around how the coordination of services to vulnerable populations can be improved to create better outcomes. You can learn more about our Leadership Gathering here or get in touch with us at