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International Overdose Awareness Day 2022

Today, and every day, we strive to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and break down the barriers obstructing support for substance use challenges

a bridge lit up in purple colour.

A bridge lit up in purple.







Today is International Overdose Awareness Day 2022, the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose. On August 31 each year, we come together with communities around the world to remember those who have died from overdose and acknowledge the grief of those left behind. Today, and every day, we strive to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and break down the barriers obstructing support for substance use challenges.

Communities in Crisis

Around the world in the last year, roughly 275 million people have used drugs, an increase of 22 per cent from a decade prior. According to the UN World Drug Report:

In recent years, about half a million deaths annually are attributed to drug use, with more than 70% of these related to opioids. Of those deaths, more than 30% are caused by overdose.

Here in Canada, our communities have been gripped by an ongoing opioid overdose crisis.


In 2021 we saw:

  • 7,560 lives lost due to opioid toxicity.
  • 21 lives lost per day.
  • 2,262 deaths here in BC.


So far this year we’ve seen:

  • 140 overdose deaths in BC, just in June.
  • 649 deaths in the Metro Vancouver area.
  • 47 deaths in Kamloops (the highest number recorded of any area in the interior).
  • 17 deaths in the Yukon.


The stats we can draw on are numerous, just a small fraction represented above, and each one as heartbreaking as the last.


It has been six long years since April of 2016, when a sharp increase in deaths and the introduction of fentanyl into the drug supply caused the overdose crisis to be declared a public health emergency here in BC. While this step was taken more recently by the Health and Social Services Minister in the Yukon (in January of this year), the impacts of the crisis have been no less destructive.


Every life lost from substance use is one too many, and the statistics above, along with others like them, paint a sobering portrait of the innumerable ways our systems have failed to adequately care for those most at risk. It’s a portrait that should give all of us pause, as we try to reckon with death tolls that continue to rise month after month and year after year.


There is simply no excuse.

Working Toward Change

The overdose crisis has wreaked havoc in communities across BC and the Yukon, especially in these last few years as an increasingly volatile drug supply collided with COVID-19 induced isolation, stress, and anxiety, as well as changes in the accessibility of services. The result was a devastating aggravation of an already tragic situation.


Despite this, we have seen some positive steps forward.


In September 2021, the Yukon opened its first supervised consumption site. There, individuals can access a range of harm reduction supplies, as well as referrals to social, medical, and mental wellness and substance use supports.


In January of this year it was announced that, starting in 2023, BC will decriminalize small scale possession of illicit drugs, including opioids. Representing a policy-based shift in understanding of substance use as a health issue, rather than a criminal one, this is a tremendous step forward and one that will have direct positive impacts on our communities.


These changes are just two of many that must be taken. We know that punishing and stigmatizing doesn’t work; that it only distances those needing support and causes further harm. We know that compassionate treatment and care is the only way forward. We know we must all do better.

Supporting our Service Users through Crisis

Here at Connective, International Overdose Awareness Day 2022 hits close to home. As an organization that supports individuals facing complex challenges, including problematic substance use, we are all too familiar with the pain caused by overdose deaths.


As the crisis has worsened in recent years, we’ve redoubled on our efforts to prevent and respond to overdoses among those we work with.


This past year our residential programs have increased the frequency of house checks, installed more Brave Motion Sensors and call buttons, stepped up harm reduction supplies and support, and trained an additional 137 staff on the use of Naloxone.


Brave Motion Sensors use non-contact technology to prevent overdose by alerting our staff when somebody has been in the washroom for a designated period without moving. This ensures we can act swiftly if somebody requires assistance.


Naloxone saves lives by temporarily reversing the effects of opioid overdoses, and our in-house trainers offer regular training sessions for Connective staff on its use. This, together with a range of other formal and informal trainings, helps improve our use of harm reduction, trauma informed, and judgement free practices.

Peer Mentors: Steven’s Story

Back in 2020, we also introduced the Peer Mentors program, in response to the ongoing opioid crisis. The Peer Mentors work in partnership with Correctional Health Services and their Community Transition Teams (CTT) to support people with opioid use disorders as they transition from institutions into the community.


Through positive role modelling and a shared understanding of lived experience, Peer Mentors help instill a greater sense of hope and connection for individuals in recovery. Our Peer Mentors support mentees in navigating the substance use and health system, identifying personal goals and community resources, including accompanying them to appointments.


A few months ago, we sat down with Steven Pelland, a new Peer Mentor (and former Peer Mentee), to hear his experience with the program, and what inspired him to get involved as a mentor.


Steven’s story highlights the transformative power of acceptance and person-centered support, and offers a striking example of the multiplying power of social change. In responding to the overdose crisis, it is just one piece of a much larger puzzle; one that encompasses our work here at Connective, the work of countless other community organizations, government bodies, and individuals. We all have a part to play as we work to end overdose.

"No More Stigma, No More Shame."

Sharing Our 2021-22 Annual Reports

Our 2021-22 Annual Reports are a powerful testament to the ways we’ve continued to grow as an organization, and evolve as essential service providers

Mountainous landscape in BC with road through it

Last week we were excited to share the launch of our 2021-22 Annual Reports. A powerful testament to the countless ways we’ve continued to grow as a bc non profit, evolve as essential service providers, and adapt to new challenges and opportunities, these reports present just a handful of the many possible stories and updates from these last twelve months.


We are immensely proud of these achievements, the impacts they’ve had on the lives of our service users, and the ways they’ve contributed to our vision of a safe, healthy, and inclusive community for all.


While we invite everyone to read the complete reports, we wanted to share some of our favorite highlights.

Our Year in Numbers

Connective stats from previous year

*Across all regions (Vancouver, North Fraser, South Fraser, Kamloops, Prince George, and Whitehorse)

Orange Shirt Day Event

Connective staff and service user making decorations. Man holding a traditional hand drum.


Made possible by a grant from the City of Vancouver, the day saw nearly 100 orange shirts given out, with the option to personalize them using fabric paint and markers. The event captured the attention of passersby, with many stopping to talk, learn, and receive a shirt. $265 in donations were also collected, and given to the Indian Residential School Survivor’s Society.


The grant also supported two Indigenous service users to contribute to event programming. Teteulsh#2 opened the day with drumming and singing, and throughout the day shared his experiences with the justice system. Another service user held beaded key chain making workshops, drawing a consistent crowd.

A man smiling.

Employment Support through ACES: Jimmy’s Story

Mandy recalls how Jimmy “showed up every day, stayed overtime, and was just very, very interested in practicing on the machines as much as he could.”

“I started the construction course in November, and learned to operate many different types of construction equipment, and took WHIMIS, fall protection, and hazard chemical courses as well…I received all 14 certificates, and I’m quite proud of them.”

“It turned out to be very successful for me, because it led to me getting a job although I have a criminal record.

More than financial, it’s the physical and mental aspect of working that’s keeping me active, healthy, and feeling younger every day…and clear headed, and drug free.”

A women smiling.

Whitehorse Residential Support: A Yukon First

WRS has allowed Victoria to return to her community after several years away.

“I felt relieved. I was missing home a lot and feeling out of place…Now I feel recuperated and back on my feet again with my family and friends.”

Coming up on its 1st year of operation, tremendous strides have been made. Victoria has shown proactive and enthusiastic engagement with the program and community.

“It helped me gain my confidence, and my positive outlook of myself.

They’re supporting me and my needs and in everyday tasks, and I just feel appreciated and supported in any way that I need.”

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This past year we were excited to take the work and recommendations from our Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmark (GDEIB) committee and DEI audit and build on it with the creation of our new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee. In line with the commitment laid out in our Strategic Plan, the committee was established to provide oversight on the organization’s DEI strategy, and monitor, guide, and report on the implementation of DEI goals within each department.


The committee is comprised of volunteer members from across the organization supported by a DEI Executive Sponsor, and supplemented by DEI Department Leads, who report to the committee on the activities of their department and progress towards DEI goals.

Connective highlights from this past year.

Responding to the Housing Crisis: Diversity Flats

Connective affordable housing unit in Kamloops.

As the housing crisis continues to grip communities across Canada, it’s more important than ever that as a bc non profit, we support affordable housing solutions, through projects like Diversity Flats.


A major focus for our team this past year, we were incredibly excited, proud, and eager for its grand opening in early 2022. The result of a partnership between our team, the City of Kamloops, and BC Housing, Diversity Flats is a 60-unit affordable housing project that provides below market rate rents to those living with low to moderate income.

A dog licking a mans cheek.

Kevin’s* Story

When Kevin was selected for Diversity Flats, he was able to reunite with his pet, and Connective was able to help bridge the gap between his hotel stay, and the start of his residence with us.

A few pieces of furniture and some necessities were also donated, to help him feel established.

Today, Kevin and his pet are doing very well, and are grateful for the opportunity to be together in their new home.

*For reasons of privacy, we have changed the names of some service users


These selections are just so of the many inspiring updates contained in our full annual reports for the 2021-22 year as a bc non profit. We invite you to read our whole story, by visiting the link below:

Welcoming Kamloops to Connective

After a significant amount of self-reflection and assessment, the John Howard Society of the Thompson Region (JHSTR) have joined us under the Connective name

Lake surround by mountains and trees in Kamloops

We’ve had a few exciting announcements already this year, and today we are pleased to share another. After a significant amount of self-reflection and extensive assessment of their organization, our longtime friends, neighbors, and collaborators at the John Howard Society of the Thompson Region (JHSTR) have transitioned away from that identity and joined us under the Connective name!


Much like our own organization, the team in Kamloops has seen tremendous growth in recent years as they have expanded on their established programs and catered to more diverse needs in their community. Through this growth, they began to feel that their name no longer represented who they were, the work they did, and the communities they served. After an extensive process of assessment, engagement, and self-reflection, the Kamloops team recognized that a new name was necessary to reflect their identity, their mission today, and their vision for tomorrow.

“Once we had evaluated each of our options, the decision was actually quite obvious. A shared brand was the most logical next step for our growing organization.”

– Lindsay Lord, CEO of Interior Okanagan Region

At the core of their decision to become ‘Connective’ is our shared DNA. For many years we have worked closely alongside and supported one another. Beyond this working relationship exists much overlap, both in the breadth of our services; the person-centered, housing-first, harm-reduction based care we bring to our service users; and the values underpinning all that we do. We are honoured for the chance to continue our work together under the Connective name, brand, and vision – safe, healthy, and inclusive communities for all.


This alignment under Connective will bring significant benefits to the people and communities we serve, both in Kamloops specifically, but across all our regions in general. The sharing of our name and resources will bring increased efficiency, influence, and potential for impact. By enhancing awareness of the Connective brand, we can ensure that our services are reaching those who need them most.

Getting to Know Connective Kamloops


The team in Kamloops is made up of: 








They provide a continuum of support that enables people to live as independently as possible through dynamic, innovative, and person-centered programs and services spanning all areas from housing, to education and employment, justice services, and community based supports. Through these programs, Kamloops offers support to those experiencing developmental disabilities, physical and mental health issues, addictions, and homelessness, as well as those who have been involved with the health, social, and criminal justice systems.


They are determined to deliver supports and services that directly meet the needs of the people and communities we serve, and that contribute to a safe, healthy, and inclusive community for all.

Two men washing dishes.


Kamloops’ housing continuum supports people that are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or require unique residential supports to secure and maintain housing that meets their needs. 

Two contractors smiling.


Kamloops’ employment and education programs support individuals facing barriers to identify, work towards, and achieve their professional and personal goals.

Two men talking

Justice Services

Kamloops’ justice services provide housing, employment, outreach, community reintegration, advocacy, and support to people who have been impacted by the criminal justice system.

Two women sitting and smiling.

Community Living BC Services

Kamloops’ Community Living Services offer community inclusion, residential, and Home Share services to adults with developmental disabilities who have been referred to us by CLBC.

Spotlight on: Diversity Flats

One project that the Connective Kamloops team is particularly excited about right now, is Diversity Flats.  


Diversity Flats is a 60-unit affordable housing project, in partnership with BC Housing and the City of Kamloops. The project is nearing completion and, when ready, will support singles, couples, and families with low to moderate income, with rents set (and intended to remain) below market rate.


The project will offer:

  •  Accessible suites
  • Studio units and both 1 and 2 bedroom apartments
  • Adaptable 1-2 bedroom adjoining units for supported living arrangements
  • Accessible laundry
  • Indoor and outdoor bicycle and scooter spaces
  • Open parking, with opportunity for an assigned parking stall
  • Opportunity for an indoor storage unit
  • Pet friendly units available

“By supporting the construction of affordable new homes like this, our government is ensuring people can live and stay in their communities, close to family and where they work…These homes will help create a healthy neighbourhood and community that will benefit the city of Kamloops for years to come.”

– David Eby, Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing

The name of this complex, Diversity Flats, came through careful consideration, with a focus on the inclusion of people of all races, cultures, and genders, and establishing a sense of community and belonging for everyone. The name is in strong alignment with our vision of building safe, healthy, and inclusive communities for all.


The application process is open for general inquiries and application packages. Those interested can contact for more information.

Looking Forward

This is an exciting and significant moment for our organizations. It speaks to the strength of everything that we have accomplished together so far, and holds untold potential for us as we continue to work to support communities across BC and the Yukon moving forward. Together with the Kamloops team under our shared name and vision, we tap into what it truly means to be ‘Connective.’

New Supportive Housing in Prince George

This exciting expansion of services in the Prince George community will provide housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

The CN Rail Bridge over the Fraser River in Prince George.

A Housing First Approach

When you think of home, what comes to mind? For many, the answer is likely physical – the people, items, and spaces that make up the places we spend our time.


At Connective, we believe that home is all these things, but so much more. Home is certainty; it is safety, and security. Home offers sanctuary from the challenges of the day, and the stresses of the world. It is a place – your place – where you can be you.


It is no surprise then, that housing plays a crucial role in what we do, with Housing First principles at the core of our approach. Stable, appropriate housing is a critical step in avoiding crisis, and a springboard for accessing additional supports, overcoming barriers, and pursuing personal independence.


Foregrounding Housing First principles in our approach means supporting people to secure immediate and low-barrier access to housing that meets their unique needs, and providing the community-based supports necessary to maintain that housing long-term.  


Only through a Housing First approach and widespread access to adequate housing will we achieve our vision of safe, healthy, and inclusive communities for all. 

The Canadian Housing Crisis

Despite the crucial role that housing plays in the strength of our communities, the reality is that for many people across the country, safe, stable, and appropriate housing is far from certain. 


Instead, Canada finds itself in the grips of a housing crisis. This crisis has touched those in all walks of life, but disproportionally affected individuals and families at the crossroads of multiple, complex social issues, such as those who:  


  • Are underemployed or unemployed
  • Are experiencing problematic substance use challenges
  • Have developmental disabilities or criminal justice experience 


It is for all these reasons that now, more than ever, Connective’s work in this area is so important. With this in mind, we were so pleased last week to announce that we have been selected, through a competitive process by BC Housing Prince George, as the operators of a new 50-bed supportive housing development. 

A New Opportunity – BC Housing Prince George

ver the last three years in Prince George, staff have brought Connective’s long history of person-centered, housing-first care to the community, building a solid foundation that set the stage for this new partnership with BC Housing.  


Danielle Goodwin, our Community Services Manager in Prince George, knows first-hand how important housing has been to the success of ACES employment program participants these last three years.

“Without housing, everything else is so difficult. When people have a place to live, they can concentrate on work rather than worrying where they are going to sleep that night”

– Danielle Goodwin

The ACES program – though primarily designed to assist service users facing barriers to employment – also takes a Housing First approach, recognizing the impact that stable housing has on an individual’s ability to obtain and maintain meaningful employment. Danielle and the Prince George team help people apply for rental subsidies and work closely with community partners to house and put service users on the path to success. 


This new program in Prince George is a big stride forward for our ability to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness and other barriers. At this new supportive housing development, residents will receive onsite 24/7 support from trained Tenant Support Workers, who will assist residents with solution-focused services to meet their self-identified needs and goals. Residents will also have access to an onsite Indigenous Liaison Worker who will guide the provision of culturally safe services and connection to cultural supports, and an onsite Outreach Worker to assist residents with community connections and resources. The goal of this new program will be to provide housing along with the necessary supports and connections to services that will enable residents to maintain long-term housing.


With the expansion of our services, we look forward to the opportunity to work with more community members and provide the wraparound supports that we so wholeheartedly believe in.