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Street Humanities

A partnership between Connective and the College of New Caledonia to provide access to college education for people experiencing barriers

Man pointing to computer screen and a woman assisting him nearby

Contact Street Humanities

Phone Number 250-617-4503

About Street Humanities

The Street Humanities program is a ten-week program which aims to increase access to college for people experiencing barriers. The program is a partnership between the College of New Caledonia (CNC) and Connective.


Through Street Humanities, students are exposed to a range of subjects like astronomy, literature, nutrition wellness, Aboriginal studies and forestry health. The program also includes:

  • Hot meals
  • A bus pass
  • Access to CNC Campus, including gym, library and student events
  • Tuition, books, and other materials


At the end of the program students are given an opportunity to consider further studies at CNC. Students also receive an award of participation at a grad ceremony.


Northern BC
If you are looking for this service in another location in BC or the Yukon, please contact us to connect with a Connective partner in your community.

Admission Criteria

People who have experienced exclusion, poverty, barriers to learning, homelessness, and/or unemployment.


You must also commit to attending two evening classes each week.

How to Apply

Please email us to apply.

Contact Street Humanities

Everyone deserves to feel safe and included in their chosen community, and so we are here for everyone – at every stage, in any circumstance.


Whether you’re looking for services or looking for information, we invite you to explore our website or contact our staff anytime using this form.

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What are the program outcomes of Street Humanities?

  • Students gain a sense of belonging
  • Students are more aware of their educational opportunities at CNC
  • Students better understand their unique learning style and interests
  • CNC is more equipped to address the needs of students who experience barriers to education

How big are class sizes?

The program accomodates 12 to 16 students per cohort

Explore More


Providing certificate-based training, along with life skills and employment readiness workshops to individuals facing multiple barriers to employment


Providing certifications, training, and life skills to youth aged 15-30 to help them obtain sustainable employment and succeed in the job market

All Services

An overview of the supports and services we offer across BC and the Yukon