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Tims Manor

Providing safe, secure housing and wraparound supports to men on parole or conditional release with residency conditions from federal institutions. Tims Manor is also the home of our Indigenous-focused CRF program, Miyáqˈelhá:wetawt

Image of Cultural Space at Tims Manor/Miyaq

Contact Tims Manor and Miyáqˈelhá:wetawt


About Tims Manor

Tims Manor provides safe, secure housing and wraparound supports to men on parole or conditional release with residency conditions from federal institutions. Tims Manor is also the home of our Indigenous-focused Community-Based Residential Facility program, Miyáqˈelhá:wetawt. There are 16 beds in the Abbotsford residence, all of which are double suites.


Miyáqˈelhá:wetawt provides residents with the opportunity to reconnect with their culture and spirituality through cultural practices and teaching. An elder is on-site twice a week to provide one-on-one support and lead residents in ceremonies. Residents are also invited to cook traditional meals, eat together, paint, carve, and do beadwork.


Tims Manor and Miyáqˈelhá:wetawt welcome people with diverse needs and provide 24/7 staffing to ensure that individuals receive the support they need to succeed while reintegrating into the community. Our staff teams work closely with residents to provide structure, monitoring, and support for both individual needs and community safety. Whenever possible, staff connect with individuals in institutions to develop rapport and a working relationship prior to their release into the community.


Residents are connected to culturally appropriate, trauma-informed supports related to every aspect of their reintegration efforts such as:

  • Addictions
  • Mental health
  • Employment
  • Education goals


Staff also provide support and information on obtaining housing, personal identification, medical coverage, banking services, and recreational opportunities. Indigenous community partners also provide cultural and spiritual resources. With support and advocacy, residents can navigate potential obstacles to reintegration, and build positive community connections.


Tims Manor operates under contract with the Correctional Service of Canada. All residents are subject to both general and specific conditions of release.


By bridging the gap between the institution and the community, Tims Manor contributes to community safety and enables residents as they make efforts to affect positive changes in their lives.


Fraser Valley
If you are looking for this service in another location in BC or the Yukon, please look the full list of our CRF programs.

Admission Criteria

  • Be on conditional release with residency conditions or parole from federal or provincial institutions
  • Be accepted by the Residence Manager or Regional Director upon review of pertinent correctional file information in accordance with our admission criteria
  • Be willing and able to live in a group setting and follow the rules of the residence
  • Other admission criteria may apply

How to Apply

Those interested in Tims Manor can request a screening from their Parole Officer.


What are the goals of Tims Manor?

The Goals of Tims Manor are to:

  • Assist men on release from federal institutions as they reintegrate into the community
  • Contribute to community safety by monitoring residents and reporting concerns to the Correctional Service of Canada
  • Bridge the gap between institution and community
  • Act as an advocate, supporter, and role model, and mediate problems or conflicts experienced by residents as they work to make positive changes in their lives
Contact Tims Manor and Miyáqˈelhá:wetawt

Everyone deserves to feel safe and included in their chosen community, and so we are here for everyone – at every stage, in any circumstance.


Whether you’re looking for services or looking for information, we invite you to explore our website or contact our staff anytime using this form.

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An overview of the supports and services we offer across BC and the Yukon

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