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Sharing Our 2021-22 Annual Reports

Our 2021-22 Annual Reports are a powerful testament to the ways we’ve continued to grow as an organization, and evolve as essential service providers

Jul 5 2022 | Connective

Mountainous landscape in BC with road through it

Last week we were excited to share the launch of our 2021-22 Annual Reports. A powerful testament to the countless ways we’ve continued to grow as a bc non profit, evolve as essential service providers, and adapt to new challenges and opportunities, these reports present just a handful of the many possible stories and updates from these last twelve months.


We are immensely proud of these achievements, the impacts they’ve had on the lives of our service users, and the ways they’ve contributed to our vision of a safe, healthy, and inclusive community for all.


While we invite everyone to read the complete reports, we wanted to share some of our favorite highlights.

Our Year in Numbers

Connective stats from previous year

*Across all regions (Vancouver, North Fraser, South Fraser, Kamloops, Prince George, and Whitehorse)

Orange Shirt Day Event

Connective staff and service user making decorations. Man holding a traditional hand drum.


Made possible by a grant from the City of Vancouver, the day saw nearly 100 orange shirts given out, with the option to personalize them using fabric paint and markers. The event captured the attention of passersby, with many stopping to talk, learn, and receive a shirt. $265 in donations were also collected, and given to the Indian Residential School Survivor’s Society.


The grant also supported two Indigenous service users to contribute to event programming. Teteulsh#2 opened the day with drumming and singing, and throughout the day shared his experiences with the justice system. Another service user held beaded key chain making workshops, drawing a consistent crowd.

A man smiling.

Employment Support through ACES: Jimmy’s Story

Mandy recalls how Jimmy “showed up every day, stayed overtime, and was just very, very interested in practicing on the machines as much as he could.”

“I started the construction course in November, and learned to operate many different types of construction equipment, and took WHIMIS, fall protection, and hazard chemical courses as well…I received all 14 certificates, and I’m quite proud of them.”

“It turned out to be very successful for me, because it led to me getting a job although I have a criminal record.

More than financial, it’s the physical and mental aspect of working that’s keeping me active, healthy, and feeling younger every day…and clear headed, and drug free.”

A women smiling.

Whitehorse Residential Support: A Yukon First

WRS has allowed Victoria to return to her community after several years away.

“I felt relieved. I was missing home a lot and feeling out of place…Now I feel recuperated and back on my feet again with my family and friends.”

Coming up on its 1st year of operation, tremendous strides have been made. Victoria has shown proactive and enthusiastic engagement with the program and community.

“It helped me gain my confidence, and my positive outlook of myself.

They’re supporting me and my needs and in everyday tasks, and I just feel appreciated and supported in any way that I need.”

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This past year we were excited to take the work and recommendations from our Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmark (GDEIB) committee and DEI audit and build on it with the creation of our new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee. In line with the commitment laid out in our Strategic Plan, the committee was established to provide oversight on the organization’s DEI strategy, and monitor, guide, and report on the implementation of DEI goals within each department.


The committee is comprised of volunteer members from across the organization supported by a DEI Executive Sponsor, and supplemented by DEI Department Leads, who report to the committee on the activities of their department and progress towards DEI goals.

Connective highlights from this past year.

Responding to the Housing Crisis: Diversity Flats

Connective affordable housing unit in Kamloops.

As the housing crisis continues to grip communities across Canada, it’s more important than ever that as a bc non profit, we support affordable housing solutions, through projects like Diversity Flats.


A major focus for our team this past year, we were incredibly excited, proud, and eager for its grand opening in early 2022. The result of a partnership between our team, the City of Kamloops, and BC Housing, Diversity Flats is a 60-unit affordable housing project that provides below market rate rents to those living with low to moderate income.

A dog licking a mans cheek.

Kevin’s* Story

When Kevin was selected for Diversity Flats, he was able to reunite with his pet, and Connective was able to help bridge the gap between his hotel stay, and the start of his residence with us.

A few pieces of furniture and some necessities were also donated, to help him feel established.

Today, Kevin and his pet are doing very well, and are grateful for the opportunity to be together in their new home.

*For reasons of privacy, we have changed the names of some service users


These selections are just so of the many inspiring updates contained in our full annual reports for the 2021-22 year as a bc non profit. We invite you to read our whole story, by visiting the link below: