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Individualized Community Living Residential Programs

Providing a structured living environment and community supports for adults under the care of CLBC who require 24-hour support

Two women sitting a table with mugs

Contact Our Community Living Programs


Our Individualized Residential programs provide a structured living environment and community supports for adults under the care of CLBC with supervision orders which require 24-hour monitoring. The programs provide innovative and individualized alternatives to the traditional justice and forensic systems, and residents are supported to achieve community integration through a customized model of housing and supports.


Our individualized residential programs provide monitoring for safe living in the community, and person-centered plans through which residents can learn the skills necessary to be responsible, independent, contributing members of society within the parameters of their supervision orders.


Fraser Valley Lower Mainland
If you are looking for this service in another location in BC or the Yukon, please contact us to connect with a Connective partner in your community.
Contact Us

Everyone deserves to feel safe and included in their chosen community, and so we are here for everyone – at every stage, in any circumstance.


Whether you’re looking for services or looking for information, we invite you to explore our website or contact our staff anytime using this form.

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Explore More

All Services

An overview of the supports and services we offer across BC and the Yukon

Home Share

Home Share is a flexible residential option for eligible adults through CLBC, and is tailored to support each individual’s unique needs and goals

Outreach and Community Inclusion

Helping individuals access services and build community connections, while supporting them to develop life skills